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Alukura MGP

Sandra Eales

Clinical Manager / Midwife
Sandra Eales
other interest of of employee


education of employee


  • Master of Midwifery 2008 (University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD)
  • International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (certification maintained since1995)
  • Notation as Medicare Eligible Midwife 2011
  • Endorsement as Midwife Prescriber 2013
  • Graduate Certificate(Prescribing/Diagnostics) 2013 (Flinders University, Adelaide, SA)
experience of employee


My life’s work ambition beyond raising two sons, has been to improve access to quality perinatal care for rural and remote women and their families.

Most of my career (38 years as a midwife!) has been spent in working in and developing primary care maternity services in rural and remote communities.  I have been active in lobbying for and implementing improvements to maternity services and particularly focussed on access for women in rural and disadvantaged communities.  The intrinsic reward in midwifery for me comes from the relational care which develops most effectively in co-designed continuity models. Empowerment of women in pregnancy, birth and in the transition to motherhood is profoundly rewarding work as is supporting the growth and development of courageous midwives who are essential partners towards safe motherhood.

I was part of a wonderful midwife team that established primary maternity service, including birth, in a rural facility without onsite emergency caesarean capabilities. The service functioned with consultation and referral to the obstetric team at the regional hospital an hour away. This model of care produced excellent outcomes for women and their families despite the withdrawal of onsite emergency obstetric services for several years.  Mareeba midwives gained endorsement and were authorised to work in a Rights of Private Practice arrangement (i.e. bulk billing providers) under Medicare exemption section 19(2).

midwifery interest of employee

Midwifery Interest

I am grateful for the opportunity to work with My Midwives in the establishment of new woman-centered model of care here in Alice Springs. I aim to support individual development within a safe professional practice environment for midwives and the broader team, as is essential to ensure the service delivers best outcomes for women and their families and is sustainable in the long term.

other interest of of employee

Personal Interest

In 2023 I became a grandmother to the most beautiful boy in the world, so he has become a delightful focus in my life.  I love bushwalking and gardening whenever I have the time and I swim for exercise when it’s not too cold. I am mildly addicted to Korean TV dramas on Netflix and read for relaxation most days.