Post Birth Care - “How Long Can I See a Midwife After My Birth?”
“How long can I see a midwife after my birth?” As anyone who has had a baby knows – birth is not the end of your journey, it is just the beginning!
The early weeks of a new baby are a very special time as you get to know the little person who was growing inside you. It can also be a time of great change and challenges for mothers and families. Our midwives see women and families for up to 6 weeks after the birth of their baby.
At My Midwives Melbourne North we are passionate about post-birth care and offer this service to all women regardless of where you have birthed your baby. We believe it is crucial that every woman accesses real and practical support, whether that be in our clinic or at your home. Our midwives give new mothers the support, care, understanding and information needed to successfully make the transition into motherhood.
We will come to your home and check on your physical and emotional wellbeing after birthing and see how your family is adjusting to the changes of life with a new babe as well. We make sure that you are eating and drinking well, give you tips for successful sleeping strategies (for both mama and baby!) and make sure your baby is contented and growing well. We support you with breastfeeding and all aspects of caring for your baby and reassure you that you are the very best mother for your baby.
Our services include:
- Breastfeeding support and access to lactation consultants
- Medicare rebates for 6 weeks post-birth
- Home visits or care in our clinic
- Referral to other health professionals if needed
- Opportunity to connect with other women and families in our clinic
- Access to allied health team specialising in post-birth care in our clinic