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Call us On 1300 982 951


Ashleigh Sullivan

Ashleigh Sullivan
education of employee


  • Bachelor of Nursing - 2016
  • Bachelor of Midwifery - 2016
  • Masters of Primary Maternity Care - 2019
experience of employee


I’ve had the pleasure of working in many different hospitals across QLD, largely in the regions. I’ve worked both in the public and private hospital systems in both regional and metropolitan areas. I’ve spent most of my career in the continuity of care models in various different locations, providing care to families from all walks of life.

midwifery interest of employee

Midwifery Interest

I’m very passionate about supporting women to have the pregnancy journey they feel is right for them and their families. I find continuity of care a beautiful tool for doing just that. I hope to one-day support change within our health system to ensure all women have access to a known midwife for their pregnancy, birth and postpartum care.

other interest of of employee

Personal Interest

I love cafe hopping with my friends and spoiled pooch. I enjoy reading when I get downtime, preferably somewhere with sand and sea. I love to travel to beautiful places around the world and immerse myself in different cultures for a good refresher and rebalance.